Home > Transparency Disclosures
Cooperation with patient organizations
Zusammenarbeit mit Patientenorganisationen
Intercept supported the following patient organizations in Austria in the 2022 calendar year. The information is not final and is updated from time to time, usually annually.
Intercept hat im Kalenderjahr 2022 folgende Patientenorganisationen in Österreich unterstützt. Die Informationen sind nicht endgültig und werden von Zeit zu Zeit, in der Regel jährlich, aktualisiert.
Transparenz PTO Intercept 2022
Intercept supported the following patient organizations in Austria in the 2021 calendar year. The information is not final and is updated from time to time, usually annually.
Intercept hat im Kalenderjahr 2021 folgende Patientenorganisationen in Österreich unterstützt. Die Informationen sind nicht endgültig und werden von Zeit zu Zeit, in der Regel jährlich, aktualisiert.
Transparenz PTO Intercept 2021
Intercept supported the following patient organizations in Austria in the 2020 calendar year. The information is not final and is updated from time to time, usually annually.
Intercept hat im Kalenderjahr 2020 folgende Patientenorganisationen in Österreich unterstützt. Die Informationen sind nicht endgültig und werden von Zeit zu Zeit, in der Regel jährlich, aktualisiert.
Transparenz PTO Intercept 2020
2022 Austria Transparency Disclosure
2021 Austria Transparency Disclosure
2020 Austria Transparency Disclosure
Relations with patient associations
Relatie met patiëntenverenigingen
Relations avec les associations de patients
Zusammenarbeit mit Patientenorganisationen
Information regarding Intercept’s support for patient associations in Belgium can be found by consulting the Belgian transparency website (https://www.betransparent.be).
Intercept’s ondersteuning van patiëntenorganisaties in België is te vinden in het Belgische transparantieplatform (https://www.betransparent.be).
Les informations concernant le soutien d’Intercept aux associations de patients en Belgique peuvent être trouvées en consultant le site de la Transparence belge (https://www.betransparent.be).
Intercepts Unterstützungen an Patientenorganisationen in Belgien finden Sie auf der Belgischen Transparenzplattform (https://www.betransparent.be).
Intercept has supported the following patient organizations in Belgium during calendar year 2018. Information about this is subject to change and will be updated from time to time, usually once a year.
Intercept heeft de volgende patiëntenverenigingen gesteund in België in het jaar 2018. Deze informatie kan veranderen en zal regelmatig bijgewerkt worden, gewoonlijk op jaarlijkse basis.
Intercept a appuyé les associations de patients suivantes en Belgique pendant l’année civile 2018. Les informations à ce propos sont susceptibles de changer et seront mises à jour de temps à autre, généralement une fois par an.
Intercept hat im Kalenderjahr 2018 folgende Patientenorganisationen in Belgien unterstützt. Die Informationen sind nicht endgültig und werden von Zeit zu Zeit, in der Regel jährlich, aktualisiert.
Patiëntenvereniging | Bedrag | Doel van de betaling |
European Liver Patients' Association | €7,200 | Financiële ondersteuning voor standruimte op de EASL NAFLD Summit in september 2018. |
Association de patients | Montant | Objet du paiement |
European Liver Patients' Association | €7,200 | Soutien financier pour le stand réservé lors du congrès EASL NAFLD de septembre 2018. |
Patientenorganisation | Betrag | Verwendungszweck |
European Liver Patients' Association | €7,200 | Finanzielle Unterstützung für Standflächen beim EASL NAFLD-Gipfel im September 2018. |
Not applicable.
Relations with patient organizations
Suhteet potilasjärjestöihin
During the calendar year 2019, Intercept supported the following patient organizations located in Finland. The information may change and may therefore be updated from time to time, typically annually.
Intercept tuki kalenterivuoden 2019 aikana seuraavia Suomessa sijaitsevia potilasjärjestöjä. Tiedot saattavat muuttua, ja niitä voidaan päivittää sen vuoksi ajoittain, tyypillisesti vuosittain.
Potilasjärjestö | Määrä | Maksun tarkoitus |
The Finnish Kidney & Liver Association Munuais- Ja Maksaliitto | €5.000 | Vuoden 2019 Maksaviikolle osoitettu tuki. |
The Finnish Kidney & Liver Association Munuais- Ja Maksaliitto | €5.000 | The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) - järjestön sappikirroosia sairastaville potilaille laatiman potilasohjeen kääntämiseen osoitettu apuraha. |
During the calendar year 2018, Intercept supported the following patient organizations located in Finland. The information may change and may therefore be updated from time to time, typically annually.
Intercept tuki kalenterivuoden 2018 aikana seuraavia Suomessa sijaitsevia potilasjärjestöjä. Tiedot saattavat muuttua, ja niitä voidaan päivittää sen vuoksi ajoittain, tyypillisesti vuosittain.
Potilasjärjestö | Määrä | Maksun tarkoitus |
The Finnish Kidney and Liver Association | €10.000 | Lisääntyvä tietoisuus maksasairaudesta Suomessa antamalla apurahaa maksuviikolle 2018, johon kuuluu julkisia luentoja ja sairaanhoitajien koulutuspäivää |
During the calendar year 2017, Intercept supported the following patient organizations located in Finland. The information may change and may therefore be updated from time to time, typically annually.
Intercept tuki kalenterivuoden 2017 aikana seuraavia Suomessa sijaitsevia potilasjärjestöjä. Tiedot saattavat muuttua, ja niitä voidaan päivittää sen vuoksi ajoittain, tyypillisesti vuosittain.
Potilasjärjestö | Määrä | Maksun tarkoitus |
The Finnish Kidney and Liver Association - Suomen maksa ja munuais- Liitto | €914 | Matka- ja majoituskulut PBC potilasverkoston tapaamisessa 2.3.2017 Amsterdam, Hollanti. |
Individual transfers of value to treatment service providers and healthcare organizations
Yksittäiset arvonsiirrot hoitopalvelujen tarjoajille ja terveydenhuollon organisaatioille
We disclose these costs as required by the Medicines Act.
Paljastamme nämä kulut lääkelain edellyttämällä tavalla.
2019 Finland Transparency Disclosure
Cooperation with patient organizations
Zusammenarbeit mit Patientenorganisationen
Intercept supported the following patient organizations in Germany in the 2022 calendar year. The information is not final and is updated from time to time, usually annually.
Intercept hat im Kalenderjahr 2022 folgende Patientenorganisationen in Deutschland unterstützt. Die Informationen sind nicht endgültig und werden von Zeit zu Zeit, in der Regel jährlich, aktualisiert.
Patientenorganisation | Betrag | Verwendungszweck |
Berliner Leberring e.V. | €1.500 | Sponsorship Berliner Leberring Jubiläumsveranstaltung |
Kautz5 gUG | €12.500 | Broschüre für PBC Betroffene und deren Angehörige auf der inhaltlichen Basis der PBC-Onlinereihe 2021 |
Kautz5 gUG | €10.500 | Update der Website pbcnews.info |
Kautz5 gUG | €211.598 | Organisation Patienten Workshop (inklusive Reisekosten) |
Intercept supported the following patient organizations in Germany in the 2021 calendar year. The information is not final and is updated from time to time, usually annually.
Intercept hat im Kalenderjahr 2021 folgende Patientenorganisationen in Deutschland unterstützt. Die Informationen sind nicht endgültig und werden von Zeit zu Zeit, in der Regel jährlich, aktualisiert.
Patientenorganisation | Betrag | Verwendungszweck |
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie | €368 | Abonnement Lebenszeichen 2021 |
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie | €5.000 | Zuwendung Baisis mini 2021 |
Leberhilfe Projekt gUG | €3.367 | Entwurf und Unterstützung für Expertengruppe Patientenumfrage |
Leberhilfe Projekt gUG | €360 | Honorare |
Leberhilfe Projekt gUG | €5.700 | Unterstützung für Website pbcnews.info |
Leberhilfe Projekt gUG | €12.000 | 2021 Patientenschulungsseminare - März |
Leberhilfe Projekt gUG | €10.000 | 2021 Patientenschulungsseminare - Mai |
Leberhilfe Projekt gUG | €10.000 | 2021 Patientenschulungsseminare - September |
Intercept supported the following patient organizations in Germany in the 2020 calendar year. The information is not final and is updated from time to time, usually annually.
Intercept hat im Kalenderjahr 2020 folgende Patientenorganisationen in Deutschland unterstützt. Die Informationen sind nicht endgültig und werden von Zeit zu Zeit, in der Regel jährlich, aktualisiert.
Patientenorganisation | Betrag | Verwendungszweck |
Deutsche Leberhilfe e.V. | €5.000 | Unterstützung der Vereinstätigkeiten und -veranstaltungen zur Untertützung von Leberpatienten |
Leberhilfe Projekt gUG | €31.330 | Online Runde Tische mit PBC Patienten und MFAs |
Leberhilfe Projekt gUG | €300 | Patientenvideo anlässlich INTL NASH Day |
Leberhilfe Projekt gUG | €12.850 | NASH Film: Versorgungsmodell |
Leberhilfe Projekt gUG | €270 | DACH NASH Policy Forum Moderation |
Leberhilfe Projekt gUG | €9.831,75 | P2P Projektfinanzierung |
Leberhilfe Projekt gUG | €951 | NASH Patient Expert Meeting, Berlin |
Disclosure of Payments to Healthcare Professionals and Healthcare Organizations
Offenlegung von Zahlungen an Angehörige im Gesundheitswesen und Gesundheitsorganisationen
In accordance with the AKG Transparency Code, Intercept discloses all individual donations of value to physicians and healthcare organizations. Reporting is in the respective national language. Please note that there may be slight discrepancies in the disclosure of figures on this page compared to other sources. Further explanations can be found in the methodological notes.
In Übereinstimmung mit dem AKG-Transparenzkodex legt Intercept alle individuellen geldwerten Zuwendungen an Ärzte und Organisationen des Gesundheitswesens offen. Die Berichterstattung erfolgt in der jeweiligen Landessprache. Bitte beachten Sie, dass es zu geringfügigen Unterschieden zwischen der Offenlegung der Zahlen auf dieser Seite im Vergleich zu anderen Quellen kommen kann. Weitere Erläuterungen befinden sich in den Methodischen Hinweisen.
2022 Intercept Germany Transparency Disclosure
2022 Intercept Germany Transparency Methodology
2021 Intercept Germany Transparency Disclosure
2021 Intercept Germany Transparency Methodology
2020 Intercept Germany Transparency Disclosure
2020 Intercept Germany Transparency Methodology
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Support patient associations
Ondersteuning patiëntenverenigingen
Intercept’s support for patient organizations for 2019 in the Netherlands can be found in the Transparency Register (https://www.transparantieregister.nl/nl-nl/home).
Intercept’s ondersteuning van patiëntenorganisaties voor 2019 in Nederland is te vinden in het Transparantieregister (https://www.transparantieregister.nl/nl-nl/home).
Intercept provided support for the following patient associations based in the Netherlands during calendar year 2018. The information is subject to change and will be updated from time to time, usually on an annual basis.
Intercept verleende ondersteuning voor de volgende patiëntenverenigingen die in Nederland zijn gevestigd tijdens kalenderjaar 2018. De informatie is onderhevig aan verandering en zal van tijd tot tijd worden bijgewerkt, meestal op jaarbasis.
Patiëntenvereniging | Bedrag | Ondersteunde activiteiten |
Nederlandse Leverpatiënten Vereniging | €3,500.00 | Financiële ondersteuning voor het vertalen, aanpassen en creëren van Nederlandse PBC-Patiënt Richtlijnen gebaseerd op de EASL PBC-Patiënt Richtlijnen |
Nederlandse Leverpatiënten Vereniging | €5,000.00 | Financiële ondersteuning voor het ontwikkelen en uitbrengen van een brochure voor huisartsen over PBC en de "do's" en "don'ts" aangaande mensen met PBC |
Nederlandse Leverpatiënten Vereniging | €150.32 | Honorarium voor presenteren op de EASL PBC Netwerk Vergadering |
Intercept provided support for the following patient associations located in the Netherlands during calendar year 2017. The information is subject to change and will be updated from time to time, usually on an annual basis.
Intercept verleende ondersteuning voor de volgende patiëntenverenigingen die in Nederland zijn gevestigd tijdens kalenderjaar 2017. De informatie is onderhevig aan verandering en zal van tijd tot tijd worden bijgewerkt, meestal op jaarbasis.
Patiëntenvereniging | Bedrag | Ondersteunde activiteiten |
Nederlandse Leverpatiënten Vereniging | €550 | Vertaling naar het Engels van de stigmavideo ‘Leverpatiënten zijn het zat’ |
€2,500 | PBC-consortium: belangenbehartiging, patiëntondersteuning en delen van informatie | |
€3,000 | PBC-consortium vergadering | |
€3,000 | Testgroep voor patiëntenmaterialen | |
€1,000 | NASH-consortium: belangenbehartiging en delen van informatie | |
Nederlandse Leverpatiënten Vereniging namens het EU PBC Patient Network | €30,000 | Ondersteuning voor het organiseren van de International PBC Day campagne in natura door middel van het aanbieden van diensten door een agentschap |
2019 Netherlands Transparency Disclosure - R&D
2018 Netherlands Transparency Disclosure – R&D
2017 Netherlands Transparency Disclosure – R&D
Relationship with Patient Associations
Relacionamento com as Associações de Doentes
In 2018, no support was granted to patient associations in Portugal.
No ano de 2018 não foi concedido nem pao qualquer apoio a associações de doentes em Portugal.
Intercept provided support to the following patient organizations in Portugal during 2017. This information, subject to change, will be updated periodically, normally once a year.
A Intercept disponibilizou apoio à(s) seguinte(s) associações de doentes, em Portugal, durante o ano de 2017, Esta informação, passível de ser alterada, será actualizada periodicamente, normalmente uma vez por ano.
Associação de doentes | Valor | Motivo do Apoio |
Rarissimas-Associação Nacional Deficiencias Mentais e Raras | €14,500.00 | Grant para o Projecto CBP -Cidadania Rara- tradução de vídeo de CBP, desenvolvimento e produção de guia de bolso, gravação de um curso de treino em CBP, e custos de viagem e alojamento. |
Rarissimas-Associação Nacional Deficiencias Mentais e Raras | €643.00 | Viagens e acomodação, para a participação no “PBC Patient Network Meeting”, que teve lugar a 2 de Março de 2017, em Amsterdão, Holanda |
Intercept provided support to the following patient organizations in Portugal during 2016. This information, subject to change, will be updated periodically, normally once a year.
A Intercept disponibilizou apoio à(s) seguinte(s) associações de doentes, em Portugal, durante o ano de 2016, Esta informação, passível de ser alterada, será actualizada periodicamente, normalmente uma vez por ano.
Associação de doentes | Valor | Motivo do Apoio |
Rarissimas-Associação Nacional Deficiencias Mentais e Raras | €20,810 | Apoio relativo ao prémio Practice to Policy, para a Europa e Canadá, com que a Raríssimas foi distinguida pelo seu projecto de informação sobre a doença (IN)Forma Rara. |
Rarissimas-Associação Nacional Deficiencias Mentais e Raras | €724 | Apoio relativo aos custos associados à participação de dois representantes da Raríssimas num Advisory Board sobre a rede Europeia de CBP. |
Rarissimas-Associação Nacional Deficiencias Mentais e Raras | €4,600 | Apoio dado através do trabalho de uma agência de comunicação que colaborou com a Rarissimas em actividades relacionadas com a comunicação associada ao Dia Mundial da CBP e do prémio Practice to Policy relativo ao projecto (IN)Forma Rara. |
Not applicable.
Open reporting of value transfers from 2019 for healthcare professionals (HCPs), healthcare providers (HCOs) and patient associations can be found in the LIF collaboration database (https://www.lif.se/etik/samarbetsdatabaser/).
Öppen rapportering av värdeöverföringar från 2019 för Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal (HCP):er, hälso- och sjukvård (HCO):er och patientföreningar finns i LIF-samarbetsdatabasen (https://www.lif.se/etik/samarbetsdatabaser/).
Relationship with Patient Organisations
Relation med Patientorganisationer
Intercept has provided support to the following Swedish patient organizations in 2018. The information may change and will be updated on an annual basis.
Intercept har gett stöd till följande svenska patientorganisationer 2018. Informationen kan komma att ändras och kommer att uppdateras på årlig bas.
Patient Förening | Belopp | Syfte |
PBCSverige | SEK 11,232 | Stipendium för PBC patient mötet i Stockholm |
Intercept has provided support to the following Swedish patient organizations in 2017. The information may change and will be updated on an annual basis.
Intercept har gett stöd till följande svenska patientorganisationer 2017. Informationen kan komma att ändras och kommer att uppdateras på årlig bas.
Patientorganisation | Belopp | Syfte |
Renata Brucker-Privatkonto | SEK 1,439 | Pbc-föreningen i Sverige c/o Brucker, Smedbyvägen 26 184 32 Åkersberga, Sverige |
2018 Intercept Sweden Transparency Disclosure
2018 Intercept Sweden Transparency Methodology
Not applicable.
In accordance with the ABPI Code of Conduct, Intercept discloses all payments to patient organizations and members of the public, including patients and journalists. The information is subject to change and will be updated accordingly from time to time, typically on an annual basis. Further explanation can be found in the methodological note below.
2022 PAG Transparency Disclosure
2022 PAG Transparency Disclosure Methodology
2021 PAG Transparency Disclosure
2021 PAG Transparency Disclosure Methodology
Summary of collaborative working agreement with PBC Foundation UK
Intercept provided support for the following patient organizations based in the UK during calendar year 2020. The information is subject to change and will be updated accordingly from time to time, typically on an annual basis.
Patient Organization | Amount | Purpose of Payment |
British Liver Trust | £1,800 | Support for the design & support to complete a Patient Survey Expert Group. |
British Liver Trust | £150 | Support for patient interviews. |
British Liver Trust | £20,000 | Grant to support the core activities of the British Liver Trust. |
British Liver Trust | £13,500 | Collaboration to work in partnership for action on NASH policy. |
Liver4Life | £93.50 | Support to travel to P2P Summit. |
PBC Foundation | £1,410 | Honoraria for being a Practice to Policy Programme judge representative. |
PBC Foundation | £9,758 | Grant to support the delivery of digital services during Covid-19. |
PBC Foundation | £25,000 | Grant to support the core activities of the PBC Foundation. |
Disclosures are made in local currency (GBP). Where payments are made in foreign currency, these have been converted to GBP using the exchange rate applied by our Finance team for the month in which the payment was made.
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Exploring Racial Differences and Disparities in PBC Care